Thursday, September 10, 2009

Summertime Rolls...

hmm... for me, summer ends when august begins. at least that's how it became once school stopped starting in september. the first day of fall is coming soon, so that means summer will be officially over with. i'm glad because fall and winter are my favorite seasons. i'm still in good spirits even though i got an email today telling me i do not have the job that i thought i had. for some reason, they hired me, then took back their offer. i guess i didn't pass my FBI background check...

no worries. i know things will still work out. i have faith plus family to help me through. i'm just glad i don't have a house and kids because things would be a lot harder for sure.

well since the summer is about over i think i will post something that reminds me of summer. this music here is just good rock and roll that bleeds summer time fumes. have you ever heard of Jane's Addiction??? well they always remind me of summer. feel good jams and of course the voice of Perry Feral who takes cues from Robert Plant. here are their two best albums, Nothing's Shocking and Ritual De Lo Habitual.

how do you get by in life when you constantly worry??? i'm learning to not worry right now...

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