Friday, August 28, 2009

I feel it closing in...

well if my last post was somewhat depressing, then this will top that. well, not actually, but the source material should...

i mentioned that i became connected to two artists. first was Nick Drake and the second one is Ian Curtis, lead singer of Joy Division. you see, as Nick wrote songs from a depressed, but other wise beautiful mood, Ian wrote songs that seemed to be speaking from the grave itself. i challenge you to listen to his lyrics and not foresee his inevitable end. yes, he also committed suicide at a young age. he was 23 and hung himself in his kitchen. sorry for being blunt about it. anyway, it was also during that time in my life that i really became obsessed with him and his music. of course anyone who has listened to Joy Division will tell you, not all seemed so bad. with the exception of the lyrics, the music was quite well done and very poppy and danceable. they were the forerunners of the Post Punk movement before there ever was one. the band first started as the Stiff Kittens, then became Warsaw, eventually landing on the name Joy Division which as history has proven, was a German program used by the Nazis in order to birth pure Aryan children. (blonde hair, blue eyes) whatever, the name was cool and the band took off from there.

Eventually meeting with the legendary Tony Wilson, a friendship was formed and the band signed to Factory Records based out of Manchester. They made two albums, Unknown Pleasures and Closer. after Ian's death, two more albums were made with the first being the album Still and the second Substance.

When Ian died the rest of the members stayed together and became New Order which is an entire story of their own.

this was a post i have been wanting to make for some time. i'm glad i finally got around to doing it. if you are out there in the darkness, please try to pull yourself out of it's deep levels...

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