Wednesday, April 27, 2011

My Snot Runneth Over...

i'm very tired and sick. well, not sick, sick, but instead stopped up. my sinuses are driving me crazy and today has just been a downer. at the moment i'm laying on the couch, watching Platoon. this is probably my second or third favorite war film. charlie sheen was a good actor and this film showcased it. he was winning once...

my sleeping habits haven't been so good either. my dreams are confusing and erratic. i can't decipher any of them. but what's the point of that??? they're just random images flying by at breakneck speed and you never really remember them that much. well, some stay with you. the ones that are usually near the end of your heavy sleep, or whatever...

what's the point in telling you all my day when there is nothing worthwhile??? i say this, i guess, in order to drain my thoughts. my head is stopped up and it can't take any more filler. what am i, a flash drive or somethin'??? no flash drive can hold all that's been through my mind. ugh, my mind. a place of limbo. a place where i hide away in order to protect myself from harm. too bad i can be hurt there as much as anywhere else...

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