Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Cuties Are Delicious...

oh my goodness, its been another long gap in-between posts. these really are the dark ages on a wolf at the door... anyway, despite these hangups, i'm still alive and kicking. things on the home front are good and my personal life is moving along, but my family is having trouble. yeah, there's no need for me to discuss such things here because i know a lot of you have the same issues yourselves. such is life in a dysfunctional family...

oh, so have you all checked out this music video for a song called, "friday"??? its by this young girl named rebecca black. all the scuzzlebutt going on is pointing to it being the worst song EVER made!!! i've watched it twice and it gets funnier each time. it's almost baffling how bad it really is. now i'm not one to gossip and post on current POP culture outside music banter, but sheesh, this is just BAD. i mean bbbbbaaaaaaddddddd... look it up if you don't believe me!!! never have i seen or heard such horrible "music"...

ha ha, so in other news, my best friend mike gave me his black leather chair. it's totally awesome and fits in with my style of laid back slacker comfort. my apartment is growing in my own image and design and i can't be more happy. it's really starting to kick in now. I GOT MY OWN PLACE!!!

so that's all i'm gonna post for now. keep your heads up and enjoy life because i'm finding out how much better it is than the alternative. dig it...

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